Friday, May 16, 2014

Animal Abuse

If you don't like seeing pictures of violence towards animals being posted, you need to help stop the violence, not the pictures. You see pictures everywhere on the internet of abused animals. Them pictures are real pictures that someone actually abused the animals. Over 2 million animals are abused each year,that is way too many a year. With everyones help and support we could ban abuse to animals. If people see how much animals are important to our world maybe they would think next time before they abuse that animal. Animals can’t speak for their self you have to be their voice to stop all the cruelty.Its real easy all that has to be done is you have to stick up for animals,let people know what's going on and tell if you see any animals getting abused or abandoned.  

Friday, February 7, 2014


When you neglect a animal its leaving them there to starve and die. If you leave your animal there on purpose then you deserve to go to jail! A animal deserves more than that. 

Friday, January 31, 2014

Circus abuse!

Animal abuse happens in anything that has to do with animals. For an example Circus's starve the animals so that they can be in the circus. Then they whip them so that they do whatever the trainers want. Animals like that are meant for the wild not stuck in a cage for the rest of there life!!

Friday, January 24, 2014

Putting them downn

If a animal bites or hurts a kid they are put down but they have a chance to be alive. The thing is if animals get abused and turn mean they wont be able to have a chance they will get put down right away. 
Animals deserve better than to have a horrible life. 
Just think that if that was your animal would you want him/her to be put to sleep?
That's why animal abuse needs to stop now!!!!!

Friday, January 17, 2014

Animals emotions

People don't realize that animals cant be trained so easily. People abuse animals for peeing or pooping on the floor or biting someone. They don't realize that some animals don't get scared or nice they get even more mean.


Some animals  run away from there home because they are so scared that it will happen again. Some dogs even get scared if you pop a balloon. 

Animal expenses

When a person abuses a animal they usually get hurt or wounded. So when rescuers come to pick up a animal they are taken back to a hospital or Human Society. When they are taken there they get surgery or whatever they need to get better, that cost a lot of money for each animal. If they don't have enough money for the animals then animals wont be able to get the help they need.

That's why everyone needs to stop animal abuse NOW!
Ever think that animals will die if they don't have enough money to heal the animals. Just think that if that was your animal would you want it to suffer.

Thursday, January 2, 2014

Animal abuse


Animals get abused when they didn't do anything to anyone or anything. Animals that you have for pets are the ones who get abused the most. They get abused for stuff like going to the bathroom on the floor or biting someone. Each year there is 900 - 2000 new cases of animal abuse and hoarding, Even when people hoard that's abusing animals also. That means they don't get fed or clean, they cannot survive like that.

Animals don't deserve to get abused for anything. There are ways of preventing biting or going to the bathroom on the floor. People who can't handle animals or afford to pay for them shouldn't have a pet. There should be standards to buy a pet so the people who are selling or giving away the animal can see how the person is or what they look like so animals don't get abused.